Illuminated cloud executes thousands of processes if auth fails.

Issue #790 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

I have a new internet connection that changes ip and I needed the auth token on the connection but when it failed it started over 3000 processes (see screen shot) and froze intellij.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Well that's horrible! Do you happen to have the logs from when that happened? If so, do you mind shooting them my way via email so I can look at what went awry?

  2. Justin Julicher Account Deactivated reporter

    Where would I find them?

    [image: Photo] JUSTIN JULICHER Senior Salesforce Developer Lighthouse (Global)

    [image: telephone] +61 413 426 545 [image: location] lvl 14, 275 Grey St Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia [image: LinkedIn] [image: LIGHTHOUSE] [image: FlightCentre] ABOUT ME: Call me: Justo Years in the industry: 17 Favourite city: Amsterdam

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