Last Modified By incorrectly reported for Lightning Components

Issue #799 resolved
Alex Jung created an issue

This seems odd, and so far I've only seen it happening with Lightning Components, but if there is a version mismatch between a local environment copy vs what's on the server, it often reports an incorrect user name as the person who last modified the Component Bundle. This person is different than what SF displays in Setup > Custom Code > Lightning Components (e.g. if you create a view that adds the last modified audit columns to the list view).

This is mostly "cosmetic", so it's a lower priority, but it does requires one to leave the IDE to determine who last touched the file which may be important when resolving diffs

Comments (7)

  1. Alex Jung reporter

    For clarification, Illuminated Cloud displays that the "OpaPageHeader" lightning component was last modified by "Colton Larocca" (fwiw, this user is identified as "claro").

    Salesforce displays the "OpaPageHeader" as last modified by "mvick" who is another developer on the team (Note, the OpaPageHeader is one row above the highlighted row in the 2nd screenshot)

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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