Deploy static resource function not working

Issue #80 resolved
Sergey Trusov created an issue

No description provided.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sergey, do you have specifics on what isn't working? I'm putting together a patch right now with fixes for half a dozen identified bugs or so and can probably work this into the patch if I have steps to reproduce, etc.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sergey, I'm going to resolve this since I haven't heard specifics from you. If it's still happening and you have specifics, please feel free to reopen.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for following up, Sergey. Have you tried this again on the latest build? I've resolved a decent number of issues around deployment and might have addressed this one as well. I'll also try out a large static resource on my end and see if I can reproduce it.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sergey, I have a thought on what might be happening. I was able to reproduce a variation on this when I had my module configured for "Selected" and hadn't checked "StaticResource" as a metadata type. In that case, I would save the static resource locally and very briefly see activity in the status bar, but then nothing would be deployed. By checking "StaticResource" the file was deployed properly. In this case I deployed a 400+K text file with >4K lines of text.

    Obviously if this were the case, no static resources would be deploying at all, so if you're able to deploy some but not others, this is not the issue. If that's the case, I'll probably need your idea.log from the deployment to get a better understanding of what's happening.

    Let me know your findings. Thanks!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sergey, I haven't heard back from you about this in a while. I'm going to resolve it as unable to reproduce on my side. If you are still having the issue and have additional details on how to reproduce, please reopen it with that information.

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