Code inspection errors

Issue #818 resolved
Michael Huffaker created an issue

Hi Scott,

After installing the latest update this morning, my APEX class still has a couple of code inspection errors so I wanted to open up another ticket to toss them onto your radar.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, please do. I'm hoping to keep chiseling away at these over the next few days until the signal-to-noise ratio is proper. I did add another large set of open source Apex to my regression test harness, but not surprising that there are still some unaddressed issues. Thanks!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Michael, can you confirm that the data type of wrap.Mwdc in the provided example is Double?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, this simple code sample successfully reproduces both issues:

    Double wrapMwdc = 4;
    Double foo = ((wrapMwdc / 40) + 0.5).setScale(2);
    Double laq;
    laq = laq + (laq / 36.5).setScale(0, RoundingMode.UP);

    Should be trivial to address these. Sorry they weren't fixed in today's build!

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