VAT Charged for EU company

Issue #819 resolved
Zoran Žunko created an issue

Hi Scott,

For European customers you need to include the possibility to enter the VAT number on the purchase form and then not charge the VAT.

Also please include the VAT ID for the company purchasing on the generated invoice, because it's not valid without it.

I need an invoice with my VAT ID for my taxes (they'll not accept it without it)


Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Zoran. The store does include a space to enter a VAT ID. Here's a screenshot:


    I've highlighted the field in yellow. It's not as glaringly obvious as it was before, but that's how this new storefront presents it.

    I can either refund your current purchase and you can re-purchase entering your VAT ID, or if you want to send me your VAT ID via support email, I can open a support case with the store to adjust the current purchase with your VAT ID and provide a new invoice. Just let me know how you'd like to proceed.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    The feature is present currently in the store. I'll work with the reporting user separately to fix the current order.

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