Code Inspection Errors

Issue #820 duplicate
Zoran Žunko created an issue

More of Apex parsing issues

                        Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions();
                        dmo.AssignmentRuleHeader.UseDefaultRule = true; //Does not recognise - marked as red and asa an error


Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Zoran! I'm going to keep chiseling away at these false negatives (and positives, though those aren't as easy to identify). I'll include this one and the others that have been reported so far in the next build.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is actually a specific instance (the exact one reported) of the problem in #821. The issue isn't the code inspection itself but rather that Salesforce APIs return untyped fields for quite a few system classes. Consolidating this into the other story since it's more specific to the underlying problem.

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