Ability to run all test classes that exercise current or selected Apex class(es)

Issue #822 resolved
Marcel Pękacki created an issue

I've just noticed an awesome feature in Illuminated Cloud 2 - when I open an Apex class and press "Go to related" (Ctrl + Alt + Home), in the opened popup in section "Testee classes" I can see all test classes that can run tests on the open Apex class. This is an awesome feature in itself, but when I actually want to run all those test classes that touch this Apex class, I basically need to write them all down and then use Edit configurations... option to manually select those classes and run them. It would be great if it could be done automatically :)

Comments (5)

  1. Alex Sinclair

    I just spotted this feature too, I think it's awesome! We've got so many tests it takes 10+ minutes to run them all, so this feature would greatly speed up TDD.

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