Explandable aura bundles editor tabs

Issue #831 resolved
Patryk Organa created an issue

would be great for me to have some kind of aura bundle files view, eg on right side of editor with aura bundle files, like we have in developer console. Then I can easily switch beetwen cmp, controller (maybe even apex?), styles etc. Pls look for attachment. Thanks

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Patryk, IC's solution for this is the IDE's Go To Related Symbol action. On Windows/Linux use Ctrl+Alt+Home and on Mac use Cmd+Opt+Up. It will show you all other bundle files and the Apex controller (if present) for quick navigation.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving as already available. Please let me know if the described behavior doesn't work for you.

  3. Patryk Organa reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I will pick up this improvement once again because I would love it in my everyday work, and probably lots of other users too.

    I am working now on project where we are developing very deep structure of inherited components, Like: Object.cmp | Person.cmp | | Contact.cmp and User.cmp

    Everyone of these has also seperate js controller and helper, and sometimes I need to deal with all of them. That results for me numbers of opened tabs that I cant handle. I would really love to have only 1 tab per bundle opened, and then, on right side of editor, or on top (second line of tabs) specific bundle members to navigate. I was using feature like this in welkin suite and its just great. I am not only-keyboard guy, thats why this is important for me in day-by-day work.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Walid El Horr

    Totally agree. Things can easily get messy with just a handful of components. Imagine 5 components, each with 4 files. That's 20 open tabs on the top. The Related Symbol action is a nice feature, but it should be manually invoked each time on each file, and every file will be open on the top. A better way is to have a static tab at the bottom of the bundle where you can go to the component's file without having to invoke the Related Symbol action each time and without having to open that file again. Also, the file will appear in this tab. Much cleaner than opening 20 files at the top.

    Something like this: Bundle2.PNG

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