Cannot resolve symbol 'RecordType'

Issue #839 resolved
Alex Jung created an issue

Even after a full generation of offline symbol table, I get the following inspection "errors" when viewing code that deals with the RecordType sObject:

Cannot resolve symbol 'RecordType'

Code saves/compiles fine, so it's not a blocker; more cosmetic.

Comments (13)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Can you provide an example code snippet that reproduces this? I'm currently unable to reproduce the issue. Also, can you verify that RecordType is in fact present in your OST? Thanks!

  2. Alex Jung reporter

    Interesting, I don't see it. However, I know I've regenerated a "full" a couple times prior to submitting this ticket (and once again prior to this comment). Should I try sobjects only?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    A full is a superset, so I wouldn't expect you to have objects from an SObject-only OST generation that aren't there after a full generation. If you want you can enable debug logging for OST generation as documented here (don't worry about the trace entry):

    and regenerate just the SObject portion of the OST (for speed), then send me that log for review. Minimally we can see if RecordType is included in the API responses from the server or not.

  4. Alex Jung reporter

    and i see errors in the IDEA.log related to pulling metadata for the offline symbol table. attaching here shortly...

  5. Alex Jung reporter

    (didn't see your comment; the previous attachment was before adding debug logging for OST generation...). will add and then post the new file shortly...

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks. Those are just warnings about custom field docs that couldn't be retrieved. They don't really represent an issue. I should probably dial down the log level for those. I don't see anything in that log about RecordType, so I'll need the more detailed log using the link above to see whether it's coming down or not from the server. Shoot that over when you have it and I'll let you know what I see.

  7. Alex Jung reporter

    So... in the course of generating the debug logs, i noticed that RecordType now exists in the OST, lol. I don't know what the difference was, but i've attached the logs. hopefully they provide some insight...

  8. Alex Jung reporter

    (the only difference i can remember is clicking sobjects vs full & the debug log statements)

  9. Scott Wells repo owner's something interesting...I've noticed some fluctuation in these API responses from Salesforce even when run back-to-back. I can save off one OST, generate again, diff before vs. after, and see some types in one and not the other. It doesn't happen every time, but I do see it happen. My only guess is that perhaps one iteration's API requests hit one bank of servers and the next hits another, and perhaps there are differences between the two. Honestly, it's a bit disconcerting, but I've not detected a strong enough pattern to know for sure.

    If you do find that you can reliably reproduce the problem in IC by, for example, only generating SObjects vs. full (or vice-versa), please let me know and I'll address the IC issue.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this, but if you do find a way to reproduce it just reopen and let me know and I'll take care of it. Thanks!

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