"Illegal Assignment" incorrect inspection error

Issue #840 resolved
Alex Jung created an issue

I have an custom object named "Program__c", which has a field also named "Program__c".

The following line gives me an inspection error (Organization__c is a relationship field back to the standard Account object):

Program__c testProgram = new Program__c(Organization__c = testAccount.Id, Program__c = 'Architect/Home Plan Designer');

The inspection error provided is: Illegal assignment from String to Program__c

The code saves/compiles fine, so this is cosmetic

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Alex, I believe I'll have this fixed in the next build. Let me know once I release it and you update whether you still see the issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Prospective fix delivered in Please reopen if you continue to see this issue after updating.

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