SFDX push code, enforce the 'force' option

Issue #852 resolved
Marc ALBALADEJO SANS created an issue

Hi, Would it be possible to configure IC1 to automatically use the -f option in the sfdx force:source:push command? it is to improve the push performance. Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, this should do a force push every single time. You can install it by downloading the zip file and using Settings>Plugins>Install plugin from disk, then just select the downloaded archive file. It's literally a one-line change from the official build, but if something does go wrong, let me know and I'll take care of it.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    A new test build has been attached to #1184 with this as a Salesforce DX config option. I hope to release this build officially this week, but there are some potential Salesforce CLI issues that I'd like to see through one way or the other first if possible. Instructions for how to use the test build are included in #1184.

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