Cannot retrieve managed package metadata

Issue #857 resolved
Paul Fox created an issue

I'd like to be able to pull in metadata from managed packages that I can modify through the tooling or metadata API.

This issue was found trying to modify page layouts. Currently when trying to retrieve page layouts from a managed package that are on my local machine, the component shows up as Local Only on the retrieve page even though I know that it exists in the org and it can be retrieved via ant. I can retrieve custom page layouts on managed objects, but not the managed page layouts, which are also subscriber editable other than the name.

Although this issue is specific to layouts, the same applies to many other components. The ISVforce guide has a list of metadata that can be edited by subscribers (although more options for customizing subscriber editing privileges are coming in Packaging 2 or DX packaging, whatever they call it). The metadata or tooling APIs already enforce what can be changed as well, so it should be safe to allow developers to pull any managed component from a subscribers org.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Paul, here's a test build of IC1 that's the same as but with the ability to work with layouts from installed managed packages. I'll keep this bug open to address all subscriber-editable component types, but hopefully this will help you use IC to manage your page layouts. Please let me know if it doesn't work as described.

    Oh, and to install just pull down the .zip file and install it using Settings>Plugins>Install plugin from disk.

  2. Paul Fox reporter

    Installed the plug-in and it had me restart IntelliJ. But it doesn't seem to behave any differently. Opened the layout I want to retrieve, right clicked and opened up Retrieve Metadata from the menu. The page layout shows up as Local Only and I can't select it for retrieve. Click the Refresh icon on that window doesn't seem to change anything.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    This and #640 are very closely-related. In the next build IC will allow you to include packaged metadata in your subscription that is documented to be subscriber-editable according to the ISVforce Guide.

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