Method names duplicated in class structure view

Issue #858 resolved
Tom Fuda created an issue

I'm noticing that when I view the structure of an Apex class, I'm seeing that every method and class variable has a duplicate entry in the structure. Here's a screenshot: This is happening across multiple project/classes. I searched the issue tracker, but didn't see any other reports of this. Not sure what component this should be assigned to. I assigned it to IntelliJ IDEA, since the structure view is a core IDE feature. Also, I have Illuminated Cloud, but that is not one of the versions listed, so I assigned it to

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for filing, Tom. That's definitely odd. Out of curiosity, does rebuilding caches take care of the issue? I'm wondering if something has gotten into a weird, wedged state.

  2. Tom Fuda Account Deactivated reporter

    Ah, yes. That seems to have done the trick. For reference for those that come across this issue, I selected the Invalidate Caches / Restart... menu option from the File menu in IntelliJ.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good to know. By the way, that operation will invalidate all caches & indices including those for non-IC plugins as well as local history. You can also go into Illuminated Cloud>Configure Project and click Rebuild Caches and Indices to reset only IC.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Let me know if you see this recur. Otherwise we'll chalk this up as a transient bad state (which I'd like to prevent/eliminate, but I'd need to know how it gets into that state).

  5. Jim Robbins

    I am still seeing this in the latest build. After going to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart and restarting IJCE I get the duplicated methods listed under the Structure tab within minutes.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for letting me know, Jim. Do you mind providing your idea.log immediately after this problem starts? I'm currently tracking down an issue that leads to a stale cache and bet that's at the root of this. The log would help me to correlate that (or if it's not, figure out what is causing it).

  7. Jim Robbins

    @RoseSilverSoftware have you been able to determine what is causing the duplication from the log I sent you? I'm still seeing the duplication daily and invalidating caches and restarting IJCE isn't fixing the problem.

    Does the problem occur with the 2.x branch?

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jim, I haven't yet, but just because I've been slammed. I did see it occur on a 2.x install, though, so it's across both major versions. I'd plan to get to the bottom of the issue, but worst-case scenario I can add the signatures to a linked hash set and eliminate the dupes.

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