Email Inspection is wrong

Issue #860 resolved
Javier García Manzano created an issue

As far as I understand, you can't assign a Messaging.Email Apex Type to an email field in Salesforce, yet Illumanated keeps suggesting it.

Am I missing something or is it wrong?


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Javier, can you make sure that your offline symbol table is up-to-date? I fixed this a bit back by having fields of type Email render into the OST as type String. Here's what it looks like in my OST:

    // Generated by Illuminated Cloud on Thu Jan 25 17:40:47 CST 2018. Do not edit.
    global class Contact extends SObject 
        global String Email;
        global Contact()
  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving assuming that OST regen will take care of this for you. Please reopen if you regenerate your OST and the problem still exists.

  3. Javier García Manzano reporter

    Correct. I bought Illuminated 2.0 today and I had the previous OST! Thanks for the heads up :)

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