Code Inspections not resolving for inner classes

Issue #869 resolved
Derek Wiers created an issue

The specific case is easiest explained in some sample code:

public class OuterClass {
    private abstract class innerBaseClass {
        protected String someString;
        public abstract String returnTheString ();
    private class innerConcreteClass extends innerBaseClass {
        public override String returnTheString () { // IC doesn't recognize what I'm overriding
            return someString;  // <== I should be able to do this - it compiles but IC doesn't like it

Basically, if the class you're extending is an inner class, IC must not be cataloging it quite right. Technically I don't know if this code would run, but it compiles...

Also, I'm a terrible person and am still on (not available in Version field), so if you've fixed this issue since then, please feel free to close this ticket up and I'll chalk it up to my own ignorance.

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