Unable to save setting once Visualforce page code is changed.

Issue #875 resolved
Mikhail Ivanov created an issue

Once I change any character on VF page numerous issues happen: 1. Some keyboard buttons stop to functioning (tab, backspace, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, etc.). 2. There are 2 error messages in Event Log. See an attached screenshot below. 3. Apex files have keyboard buttons issues too.

The only way to continue development is to restart my project. So, it is not possible to use. I am switching back to IC v1 as it works fine.


I've attached idea.log.

My IntelliJ IDEA is 2017.2.6

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Mikhail. It looks like you're using an older version of IntelliJ IDEA (2017.2.6). Would you mind updating to the latest (2017.3.4) and see if that resolves the problem? I believe this older version of IntelliJ is missing a few things in its plugin SDK. Please let me know whether that does or does not resolve the issue for you.

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