Toggle 'Debug only' Filter on 'Apex Test Result' removes clickable code references

Issue #885 resolved
absc created an issue

When the new 'Debug only' Filter on the 'Apex Test Results' is turned off again, all clickable code references (where the error occured) are no longer links but just text.

Reproduce: * Run a Test * Verify that errorous code lines are clickable * Turn on 'Debug only' * Turn off 'Debug only' * errours code lines are no longer clickable

I Attached two small snippets with the part in question before and after toggleing the 'Debug only' filter

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Wow, good catch (and terrible miss on my part!). I hadn't realized that the way I was repopulating the console view was bypassing the filter that hyperlinks those. I already have a local fix and will include it in the next build.

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