Forced to update credentials

Issue #893 resolved
Luke Kozakewycz created an issue

Hi Scott!

Not a major issue but an annoyance. When changing connection to an org where the credentials have expired, you are given a dialog which asks if you would like to update the credentials.

If you say "No", it will simply ask you again and again until you say Yes. When you decide that you wish not to update the credentials and close the dialog, it will simply ask you again. I'm sure there is a way not to have to do this (e.g. changing the connection or something) but I've just ended the Intellij process each time so ended up doing a full IDE reboot.

Again - nothing major but have been caught out a few times.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, that sounds clunky. I'll definitely take a look and see if I can provide a better experience. Thanks for reporting.

  2. Jonny Power (he/him)

    Can be annoying when switching between branches when org is expired / credentials outdated. Makes the checkout process painful - would be nice if no would disable it for the rest of the checkout.

  3. Matej Mercina

    I’m not sure if this used to not happen all the time, but this is happeing now every time without exception to me when the credentals are expired. The reason this is potentially a bigger deal than it may seem is that if you’re unable to obtain new credentials at that time for any reason, you can potentially loose a ton of work if you were using anonymous apex windows, which are all lost since the only way to regain controll of the IDE is to force shutdown, and you can’t only close one instance.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, this is definitely far from ideal. I did update things a bit recently to address some issues that were leading to lockouts, but ultimately it's still going to prompt you to update creds every time IC needs a connection...which is obviously quite often. I'll definitely take a look and see if I can have some way to suppress ever trying to login if the user instructs it to do so until the user explicitly changes the creds.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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