Cannot use Build > Illuminated Cloud commands unless a code file is open

Issue #90 resolved
Nathen Drees created an issue

Maybe I'm just misremembering, but I thought we could do anything in the Build > Illuminated Cloud menu without opening a code file first. But unless I open a code file, the menu is greyed out and the keyboard commands don't work.



Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I might have been a little overzealous in some of my conditional enabling of these actions. I'll take a look and ensure that they are enabled properly.

  2. Nathen Drees reporter

    Scott -

    Has been released? I'm still seeing this in 1.4.1 but i'm not sure what commit version my plugin is.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, I released last night. Looks like it's the latest on the plugin page:

    Should show up as in Plugins and in the splash/licensing screen. Let me know if you're able to get on the latest for some reason. I'm wondering if this might be the reason you're still seeing the other issue with unit tests as well.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    There were some issues with the plugin repository last night when I was uploading the new versions (kept saying it was down for maintenance, then it was fine, etc.), so I was concerned that perhaps it didn't really update, I just downloaded the plugin archive from the link above and installed it explicitly into IDEA. It does appear to be the version, though.

  5. Nathen Drees reporter

    Looks like this is fixed in, but we're not being prompted to install it. Even if we go to the plugins page in settings, it doesn't recognize that there's an update. I know this is being tracked in another issue as well, but probably worth leaving open until we hear back what's going on?

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