Subtabs for lightning components

Issue #907 resolved
Matej Pinter created an issue

Hi again,

Lately I'm working majorly with lightning components and it is kinda frustrating when navigating through code (cmd/ctrl + click on component name) and then search for component in "project" sidebar to find js controller, helper, renderer.

Nice feature that would speed up things would be to have component and its files (.cmp, .js, .css,...) opened in subtabs or some additional sidebar or through menu to quickly find/open other files.

When you have huge amounts of components it can get time consuming finding all those files and often similar names can mean I could open wrong file of other component. Developer console has this nicely done as you have all files listed on the right side and you just click it to open.

Some idea to chew on :)

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Matej, in IC this is implemented via the Go To Related action. From any Lightning bundle file, type Ctrl+Alt+Home (Windows/Linux) or Ctrl+Cmd+Up (Mac) and it will show you all of the other files that comprise that bundle for quick navigation. Please let me know if that doesn't meet your needs.

  2. Matej Pinter reporter

    Niice :) What about grouping tabs or coloring them? This can be done or is it too much to do?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'll keep this enhancement request open to investigate it again as I've seen JetBrains do this with at least one of their editors, but unlike some other IDEs, tabbed editors don't seem to be a first-class part of the plugin SDK which is why I went the Go To Related route. I'll take another look, though, as it's possible I just missed something the last time around.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good news! I've figured out how to do this. I have a few additional things to work through to make it work the way I'd like, but I'll include it in one of the upcoming builds.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    This will be included in the next build of IC2. I've also added the meta.xml file as a tab when the corresponding source file is opened, e.g., Apex, Visualforce, Static Resources, etc.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Delivered in Editor sub-tabs can be navigated from the keyboard using Alt+Shift+Left/Right on Windows/Linux and Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right on Mac.

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