Missing Custom Fields in metadata

Issue #924 resolved
Matthew Scholtz created an issue

I find that I am missing some custom fields on standard objects (in this case Contact and Account) in the metadata list. I have tried doing a retrieve and refreshed in the retrieve widget. These particular fields are still not being shown, although most others are. The fields do show up in the xml of the object, they just don't show up separately in the custom fields list, and hence don't allow me to deploy them.

Looked for a pattern as to why these particular fields aren't being recognized, but don't see one.

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Matthew, the most common reason that fields would be missing from the OST is that they are not visible for the connection user when the metadata is enumerated at OST generation time. There is a connection option that ensures that all fields are visible/readable. Can you verify that that option is enabled for the connection where this is happening?

  2. Matthew Scholtz reporter

    Is that the "Ensure Field Read Access" option you're talking about? If so, then yes, it is already enabled.

  3. Matthew Scholtz reporter

    Sure,. but you're gonna have to give me a bit more step-by-step here, sorry. I assume I need the "Metadata Retrieval" entries from that link? And OST = offline symbol table? What exactly do I do to generate it? Is it just clicking the refresh button on the Retrieve widget? Or something else?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry. Here are the specific steps:

    • Add the following under Help>Debug Log Settings:
    • Use Illuminated Cloud>Generate Offline Symbol Table to generate the OST. You can just generate the SObjects since this is related to SObject fields.
    • Grab the idea.log file from that generation run using Help>Show Log in Explorer and email it to me. The log may have rolled over so actually grab all idea.log* files from the timeframe of the step above.

    When you send over the logs, let me know the names of some fields that you would expect to be present but aren't to help focus my review of the logged info.

    Let me know if that doesn't help!

  5. Matthew Scholtz reporter

    Scott resolved my problem. Turns out that I just needed to uncheck the Subscribed Only checkbox when doing a retrieve, which I wasn't aware of at all.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear, Matthew. Just to clarify, the retrieve/deploy/delete dialog is not your metadata subscription, though it can (and generally should) be filtered by your metadata subscription. You can manage your metadata subscription using either Illuminated Cloud>Configure Module or the edit button to the right of the Contents drop-down in the retrieve/deploy/delete dialog. Your metadata subscription is generally either based on a hand-authored package.xml or an explicit selection in Illuminated Cloud. There's also an option for all metadata in the org or for a specific development package, but I generally discourage the use of the former for a variety of reasons.

    To pull down new metadata from the org, you can either add it to your metadata subscription first in which case it will be included in the retrieve/deploy/delete dialog when Subscribed Only is checked, or you can uncheck that box, find the metadata, and retrieve it after which IC will ask whether you want it added to your subscription.

    I hope that helps to clarify the relationship between the metadata subscription and how it's managed vs. the retrieve/deploy/delete dialog which can be filtered to show metadata in a number of ways including local vs. server, subscribed vs. unsubscribed, etc.

  7. Daniel Sokolowski Account Deactivated

    To anyone else struggling with this, as it was not obvious for me, in the retrieve metadata dialog you must click on the ‘Refresh’ button. I was trying to use the global ‘Generate Offline Symbols Table’ option instead.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the clarification, Daniel. It raises a good point. While the user guide is coming along very well, it doesn't yet clarify the role of the OST and how that relates to metadata that doesn't get included in the OST. I'll make a note to add a topic on that.

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