Documentation (Apexdoc) doesn't recognize @param definitions

Issue #965 resolved
Ivan Vrtarić created an issue

When bringing up the Documentation popup (F2 for Eclipse-style keybindings) for a method which has its Apexdoc comment filled out, the popup doesn't display @ param entries if the description is split into two or more lines

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ivan, it does support all standard tags, e.g.:


    Let me try out the ApexDoc you've provided and see if that unveils a bug in the current implementation.

  2. Phil W
         * Invoked by the ******* infrastructure, this method is responsible for returning the date to be considered the
         * "start of week" for the given Shift.
         * When called by the infrastructure, the given shift is guaranteed to be non-null and to include the required
         * field paths (where that data is defined). The fallback instance is guaranteed to be non-null.
         * If the plugin does not know how to determine this value it should delegate this method to the given fallback
         * instance, passing the same shift and setting the fallback to null, which will always return a non-null value.
         * The returned value must not be null. Returning null will cause the contextual processing to be aborted.
         * @param shift    the shift for which the start of week date is required. Will not be null and will include all
         *                 required field paths (where the data is defined)
         * @param fallback if the plugin implementation does not know how to determine a start of week date for a given
         *                 shift, it can call this method on the fallback instance (passing in the same shift and a null
         *                 fallback) in order to obtain a default start of week date. Will not be null
         * @return the start of week date relevant for the given shift. Must not be null
        Date getStartOfWeekFor(Shift__c shift,
                ShiftProcessorOvertimeExtension fallback);

    This comes from our global interface ShiftProcessorOvertimeExtension. This shows the description and return details but no parameters:


  3. Ivan Vrtarić reporter

    Hi Scott,

    The plugin does work for param declarations if the declaration stays within a single line. But if you split the declaration into multiple lines, the whole declaration gets ignored.

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