Code Folding for CSS and Javascript in Visualforce Pages

Issue #970 resolved
Robert Strunk created an issue

I do not believe illuminated cloud2 supports code folding for CSS or javascript that is directly on the VF page. It would be nice to have that feature.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I ran across this looking for another folding-related issue. This is supported by the base JetBrains IDE already, e.g.:


  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    It just occurred to me that this request might have been for folding of the various contents of the script and style tags and not holistic folding of those tag bodies. If so, that's supported in the commercial JetBrains IDEs which provide full support for JavaScript and CSS. It's not supported in the free/Community Edition IDEs and there are no plans to add it there.

  3. Robert Strunk reporter

    I wasn't referring to the script and style tags themselves, rather the code within them. For example, if I have a style tag with two different rule declarations (or whatever the proper term is) I thought it would be a good feature to collapse/expand each one independently.

  4. Robert Strunk reporter

    Please ignore my previous response. Your second comment was spot on. Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

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