Create Method Quick Fix functionality

Issue #976 resolved
Mike Wannamaker created an issue

One thing I really miss and would use alot would be the create method quick fix that is in Java editor. I like to try to do TDD in salesforce ;) and it's a pain to stub the method and then have to go to the class file to implement it and then come back to test class.

Not sure if I selected the appropriate component for this or not.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Good call. That's also coming as a code intention for the unresolvable reference code inspection. Are you peeking at my prioritized backlog or something?!

  2. Justin Julicher

    Scott, Great Stuff! One of my biggest ‘wants’ for apex development. Very excited about this.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear! It's really fun (and gratifying) to be able to put together these more complex features now. I'm working on Change Method Signature as I type this, and with that I should also be able to add Introduce/Extract Parameter and the unresolvable method signature quick fixes that automate those processes. Needless to say, that's all pretty complex so my guess is that it'll be out next week at earliest and perhaps the week after that.

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