Lightning component deployment fails when under enterprise proxy

Issue #992 resolved
Riadh Mankai created an issue

Description: Under corporate proxy, I noticed one major problem : saving or deploying Lightning components to the server is not working and triggers an error (via popup window) like the following : Basically it just an error message with the name of the Salesforce instance URL. Saving other metadata seems to work fine. I configured Intellij to auto detect the proxy configuration. This is a blocker for us as we use the corporate proxy at client office.

Version: Intellij IDEA Community version 2018.1.2 Windows 7 64 bits

Comments (8)

  1. Riadh Mankai reporter

    Awesome this works actually! I thought by putting to auto it will detect the system proxy. Thanks!

  2. Riadh Mankai reporter

    Set up the proxy setting manually and do not put it to detect automatically the operating system proxy settings.

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