Make it possible to fall multiple levels at once

Issue #3 open
Ryan fae Scotland repo owner created an issue

Currently when you drop off a level you are guaranteed to land on the land below. It would be fun if you just continued falling at the exact spot you fell from above, possibly into space on the level below and straight passed it.

Comments (5)

  1. Ryan fae Scotland reporter

    Let’s work on this tonight, it sounds good fun and should lead to some interesting discoveries about Toejam's vertical position (which I want to know about for Rocket Skates too).

    A watch on TOEJAMS_CURRENT_LEVEL changing coupled with watching for drastic changes in TOEJAMS_XPOS should be useful. Testing this on the drop to Level 0 should be a good place since the player is moved from the lower left of the map to the center.

  2. Ryan fae Scotland reporter

    I made some really good progress on this, to the point I actually got it working! However, the way I’ve implemented it breaks the game when it is first starts as it skips the code that sets the initial position you're at. I’ll revise this before considering it complete, but it is pretty fun to see even in its current broken state (and yes, you can enter an infinite loop!).

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