How is the range of the Hula Girl calculated?

Issue #5 resolved
Ryan fae Scotland repo owner created an issue

Damn those Hula Girls and their addictive dancing! How many world records and personal bests have been ruined because of them!?

Let’s find out exactly what their range is! Perhaps while looking we’ll find out if anything can be done whilst in it to prevent it.

Comments (2)

  1. Ryan fae Scotland reporter

    Turns out the Hula girls allure works in a square, not a circle as I first suspected.

    If you are not more than $64 (100 dec) away on the X axis or $4B (75 dec) away on the Y axis then you run the risk of being captivated by and joining in in her hip swaying dance!

    See the label HulaAbilityCheck in Earthlings.X68 for the full code.

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