What is the repeating pattern at $80(TOEJAMS_XPOS)?
Issue #7
Inside SetRAMIndexes
there is a loop that starts at TOEJAMS_XPOS and then puts 0 into $5E(TOEJAMS_XPOS). It then increases it's offset by $80 and it's counter by 1 and puts 1 into that space, then again for 2, and 3 and so on all the way upto (but not including) $28 (however it is still $28 times since it does it on the "0th" time round too").
What are these $28 (40 dec) offsets for?
Comments (3)
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reporter They seem to be “entity” data (aka sprites but more than just the graphics, they are pointers to the various data and state of the given entity)
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Something Earthling related, as it is cycled through in