Loading circle has wrong center for rotation

Issue #26 resolved
Philip Stewart created an issue

The Loading circle, which is shown, when you use pull to refresh does rotate a bit of the center. It looks wabbling.

Concerning #27: I know this is not a bug and I just wanted to mention that, as everything else in Robin works fine for me. If this is intended or not important, just close this ticket.

Comments (6)

  1. hendrik koch

    My observation: the center is correct for the white arrows. the asymmetric shadows give the impression of a uneven rotation.

  2. hendrik koch

    While I must admit that this i hardly a bug it is bad artwork indeed. It just looks wrong, because the shadow changes its origin/angle while rotating. It doesn´t make sense. Imagine the shadow as a duplicate of the object with a slightly different origin. Now if the object rotates, the shadow rotates around its own origin. Please forgive me, but part of my job is to prepare artwork for high quality print production, so i look at details like this. If you have the time, try rotating these arrows without a shadow, it should look much smoother. kind regards Hendrik

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