Robin App Stops on any Action. Unusable! :(

Issue #9 resolved
Abhijith Mohan created an issue

Hi guys,

Me again. I'm terribly sorry, but since today I've been completely unable to use Robin on my Xperia Neo V. This is my MT11i device.

The old problem wherein if I go to Robin from my notifications bar, it force closes remain.

But now my workaround where, I open the app directly has also gone kaput. The app opens, and loads the fresh posts on the timeline page. But any operation attempted after that results in a crash. ('Unfortunately Robin App has Stopped').

I can't scroll down. Switch windows to Mentions or Global Stream. Or even move to the leftmost menu pane. Any such touch/swipe operation causes an app crash.

I'm sorry but can't even give you my Device ID at the moment, but I'm sure I've mentioned it somewhere in another ticket.

If you think this is related to another issue already open, feel free to merge.

At the moment, I don't have a choice but to uninstall Robin from the MT11i since I can't use.

Robin still works alright on my Motorola Xoom tablet though. I'm almost convinced it must be some memory issue. Unless it has to do with Robin not playing nice with my twitter app (Tweedle). On the Xoom, I use Plume or Tweetcaster.

Comments (9)

  1. Callum Taylor repo owner

    Cant seem to see any crash reports from it unfortunately. Try reinstalling the app using the original link from the 0.35b email. Make sure the old app is uninstalled and all data is cleared from it's cache.

    The next version should have better crash reporting.

    Don't worry about reporting issues, that's the whole point in a beta, that and it means we dont have to test the app as much

  2. Abhijith Mohan reporter

    Oddly enough it is working fine now. Did it do some sort of cache cleansing by itself? It's as smooth as before, which is great. But now I don't know how to duplicate the issue.

    When is 0.4 coming out by the way?

  3. Abhijith Mohan reporter

    ...Edit. I will do an uninstall anyway. The problem cropped back up. It happens on my Timeline window and any touch/swipe operations done there.

  4. Callum Taylor repo owner

    (Reply via

    0.4b should be out early next week, we're just doing final checks and bug fixes (like this one)

  5. Abhijith Mohan reporter

    I tried what you suggested guys. Cleared cache and all resident data. Reinstalled app. Still no go. The new installation still crashing often from the Timeline screen. Fortunately this time I did manage to get to the Settings page.

    The Device ID for my SE Xperia: gTDVYWPI9uJZHHk4JQ5PUg==

    (If it helps in anyway)

    Stuck on this one. I think I'll just have to wait for 0.4b to hope things work out. I really can't figure out the reason for this. I haven't installed any new apps or anything. Not that it should matter.

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