Crash after adjusting graphics settings

Issue #2 resolved
Bazingarrey created an issue

I really want to play this modpack, but not beign able to adjust the graphics for optimal performance is absurd.

bin-x64\xrengine.exe -smap4096 * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 403445 K Loading objects... Loading models... ! Can't find texture '\storm\01-00-storm' ! Can't find texture '\storm\01-00-storm#small' ! Can't find texture '\storm\03-00-storm' ! Can't find texture '\storm\03-00-storm#small' ! Can't find texture 'pfx\pfx_glow_shot_006' ! Can't find texture 'sky\storm\04-00-storm' ! Can't find texture 'sky\storm\04-00-storm#small' stack trace:

Comments (25)

  1. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Can you send me the file user.ltx from the appdata directory. It contains the settings after you changed the graphics settings. Also, please attach both the .scoc and the .scop file of your savegame. The .scoc file you are attached is only one half of the save game.

  2. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Two questions: a) did the game work before you changed the graphics settings? | b) does starting a new game (instead of loading your save) with your changed settings work, or is it also crashing?

  3. Bazingarrey reporter

    It works fine untouched, but when i adjust it, it crashes. although i can adjust anti-aliasing the way i want with no problem

  4. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    That's really strange. I've just tried to load your save with your settings and it works without problems for me. Can you try replacing -smap4096 with -smap2048 in the .bat file and try again? Also, if you didn't already, download update 1 from moddb and use it, it reduces the system requirements a little bit

  5. Bazingarrey reporter

    I already installed the update. Also, i played around with the settings a little bit, i can adjust everything without any problem except i can't lower "Texture Quality" because it will say in the log that textures are missing, which is weird. I just want to lower this a little bit so i can reduce VRAM usage, currently it's 1990-2000 and i have a 2GB Video card.

  6. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Can you replace appdata/user.ltx with this and tell me if that works?

    _preset Low
    ai_aim_max_angle 0.7854
    ai_aim_min_angle 0.19635
    ai_aim_min_speed 0.24
    ai_aim_predict_time 0.4
    ai_aim_use_smooth_aim 1
    ai_die_in_anomaly 1
    ai_use_old_vision 0
    ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on
    bind left kLEFT
    bind right kRIGHT
    bind up kUP
    bind down kDOWN
    bind jump kSPACE
    bind crouch kLCONTROL
    bind accel kLMENU
    bind sprint_toggle kLSHIFT
    bind forward kW
    bind back kS
    bind lstrafe kA
    bind rstrafe kD
    bind llookout kQ
    bind rlookout kE
    bind cam_2 kF10
    bind cam_zoom_in kADD
    bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT
    bind torch kL
    bind night_vision kN
    bind show_detector kO
    bind wpn_1 k1
    bind wpn_2 k2
    bind wpn_3 k3
    bind wpn_4 k4
    bind wpn_5 k5
    bind wpn_6 k6
    bind artefact k7
    bind wpn_next kY
    bind wpn_fire mouse1
    bind wpn_zoom mouse2
    bind wpn_reload kR
    bind wpn_func kV
    bind wpn_firemode_prev k9
    bind wpn_firemode_next k0
    bind pause kPAUSE
    bind drop kG
    bind use kF
    bind screenshot kF12
    bind quit kESCAPE
    bind console kGRAVE
    bind inventory kI
    bind buy_menu kB
    bind team_menu kU
    bind active_jobs kTAB
    bind speech_menu_0 kC
    bind speech_menu_1 kZ
    bind quick_use_1 kF1
    bind quick_use_2 kF2
    bind quick_use_3 kF3
    bind quick_use_4 kF4
    bind quick_save kF5
    bind quick_load kF9
    bind custom6 kH
    cam_inert 0.
    cam_slide_inert 0.25
    cl_cod_pickup_mode 1
    cl_dynamiccrosshair on
    cl_mpdemosave 0
    con_sensitive 0.15
    draw_downloads 0
    fov 75.
    g_autopickup on
    g_backrun on
    g_corpsenum 25
    g_crouch_toggle on
    g_dynamic_music off
    g_eventdelay 0
    g_game_difficulty gd_master
    g_important_save on
    g_sleep_time 8
    g_use_tracers on
    hud_crosshair off
    hud_crosshair_dist off
    hud_draw on
    hud_fov 0.5
    hud_info on
    hud_weapon on
    keypress_on_start 1
    mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated off
    mm_net_con_publicserver off
    mm_net_con_spectator 20
    mm_net_con_spectator_on off
    mm_net_filter_empty on
    mm_net_filter_full on
    mm_net_filter_listen on
    mm_net_filter_pass on
    mm_net_filter_wo_ff on
    mm_net_filter_wo_pass on
    mm_net_srv_gamemode st_deathmatch
    mm_net_srv_maxplayers 32
    mm_net_srv_name Stalker
    mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type reinforcement
    mm_net_weather_rateofchange 1.
    mouse_invert off
    mouse_sens 0.051
    net_cl_icurvesize 0
    net_cl_icurvetype 0
    net_cl_interpolation 0.1
    net_cl_log_data off
    net_compressor_enabled 0
    net_compressor_gather_stats 0
    net_dbg_dump_export_obj 0
    net_dbg_dump_import_obj 0
    net_dbg_dump_update_read 0
    net_dbg_dump_update_write 0
    net_dedicated_sleep 5
    net_sv_gpmode 0
    net_sv_log_data off
    net_sv_pending_lim 3
    net_sv_update_rate 30
    ph_frequency 100.00000
    ph_iterations 18
    r2_sun on
    r2_sun_lumscale 1.
    r2_sun_lumscale_amb 0.1
    r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 0.675
    r2_sun_tsm on
    r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01
    r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3
    r2_tonemap on
    r2_tonemap_adaptation 2.
    r2_tonemap_amount 0.7
    r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.29
    r2_tonemap_middlegray 1.2
    r3_use_dx10_1 on
    renderer renderer_r3
    slot_0 medkit
    slot_1 bandage
    slot_2 stimpack
    slot_3 geiger_dead
    snd_acceleration on
    snd_cache_size 128
    snd_device OpenAL Soft
    snd_efx on
    snd_targets 200
    snd_volume_eff 1.
    snd_volume_music 0.5
    sv_activated_return 0
    sv_adm_menu_ban_time ?
    sv_adm_menu_ping_limit 25
    sv_anomalies_enabled 1
    sv_anomalies_length 3
    sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30
    sv_artefact_returning_time 45
    sv_artefact_spawn_force 0
    sv_artefact_stay_time 3
    sv_artefacts_count 10
    sv_auto_team_balance 0
    sv_auto_team_swap 1
    sv_bearercantsprint 0
    sv_client_reconnect_time 3
    sv_console_update_rate 1
    sv_cta_runkup_to_arts_div 1
    sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100
    sv_dmgblockindicator 1
    sv_dmgblocktime 0
    sv_dump_online_statistics_period 0
    sv_forcerespawn 0
    sv_fraglimit 10
    sv_friendly_indicators 0
    sv_friendly_names 0
    sv_friendlyfire 1.
    sv_hail_to_winner_time 7
    sv_invincible_time 5
    sv_max_ping_limit 2000
    sv_pda_hunt 1
    sv_reinforcement_time 15
    sv_remove_corpse 1
    sv_remove_weapon 1
    sv_returnplayers 1
    sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0
    sv_saveconfigs 0
    sv_savescreenshots 0
    sv_shieldedbases 1
    sv_show_player_scores_time 3
    sv_spectr_firsteye 1
    sv_spectr_freefly 0
    sv_spectr_freelook 1
    sv_spectr_lookat 1
    sv_spectr_teamcamera 1
    sv_statistic_collect 1
    sv_teamkill_limit 3
    sv_teamkill_punish 1
    sv_timelimit 0
    sv_traffic_optimization_level 0
    sv_vote_enabled 255
    sv_vote_participants 0
    sv_vote_quota 0.51
    sv_vote_time 1.
    sv_warm_up 0
    sv_write_update_bin 0
    vid_mode 1920x1080
    wpn_aim_toggle 0
  7. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Is it only complaining about missing textures or do you get crashes? It's possible that those textures are also reported missing with highest settings.

  8. Bazingarrey reporter

    It crashes whenever i lower Texture Quality, and in the log it say missing sky textures and "pfx_glow_shot_006".

  9. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Ok, I don't have a setup here to reproduce it. But when I get home this evening, I'll test it in my development setup. Hopefully I can get it to crash in the debugger and find/fix the cause of the crash.

  10. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Unfortunately I still can't reproduce it. Could you also send me the file axr_options.ltx from the directory gamedata\configs, hoping that something in there might help me to trigger the issue and find the cause.

  11. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Ok, progress. I could now reproduce a crash. I still have to figure out how to fix it, but at least I have something to work with now.

  12. Bazingarrey reporter

    Played around the texture quality again, i can play on "Low" "Medium" and "Ultra" quality, except on "High" or "Very High" which leads to crash.

  13. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Ok, I've found a solution (hopefully) and will integrate it in the upcoming, 4th update. Let me know if the problem is fixed or not once the update is available and you had time to test it.

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