Requested SFX files for campfires.

Issue #5 resolved
Edward created an issue

Original files edited in audacity to reduce bass and re-commented with SAVandT.

Path is : gamedata\sounds\ambient

Quieter footsteps is from "Quieter Things", an addon for Last Day. Which also eliminates the obnoxious "boom" pda sounds.

Comments (11)

  1. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Thanks, I'll look into it soon, should make it into update 8, currently planned to be released on Friday or Saturday.

  2. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    I copied the files in the wrong place when I made update 8, so your files are unfortunately not included in it. But they'll be in the next update, I agree that these sound better than the ones I had in Anomaly before.

  3. Edward reporter

    Thank you! I'm just glad to be a part of such an awesome modpack. Hopefully we'll get these crashing issues sorted out as I can really dig in and enjoy!

  4. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    What's your handle/nickname on MODDB? I'd like to credit you in the changelog for update 10.

  5. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Awesome, I didn't know that you were Wojola, that was not obvious since you use a different name here. Thanks again for your contribution to Anomaly.

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