Disguise system not working.

Issue #7 new
Edward created an issue

Ever since update 8-9 the disguise system has ceased working for me.

No notifications, no change in faction relation. Doesn't matter how much time I wait out of sight or what outfit I switch to. It's like the disguise mod isn't installed at all.

Comments (8)

  1. Edward reporter

    I can't believe this.. I've been putting off posting this because I figured "Well, I must be doing something wrong or not waiting long enough or something." since update 8-9. Lo and behold an hour after posting this, I started a new game as a loner, went to ecologists bunker in yantar, bought an ecologist guard suit and put it on right in front of the trader, only to FINALLY have something happen. Got a notification "Factions will now recognize you as Ecologist." Now that I think of it.. Pretty much the entire time I've been playing I've used a faction other than loner. Usually merc. And I think every time I was trying out the disguise mechanic, i was putting on loner stalker armor. Maybe it just doesn't work for stalker armor? I'll do some more testing.

  2. Edward reporter

    Alright. I think I've got the problem narrowed down to the sunrise suit and novice suit (At least out of the suits I've tested. I've tried overcoats (bandit), duty, sunrise and novice, and military. It seems like sunrise and novice are set to whatever faction you started as, which works fine when you're a loner, but when you're a merc or duty or freedom going from their faction suit to a sunrise\novice, it keeps you\reverts you back to your default faction.

  3. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Is this still happening with the latest Update 12 Preview? I've improved the disguise mod quite a bit in 12p3 and it should now categorize armor much better than before.

  4. Edward reporter

    Just tried it. Yes, same scenario. Started a new game as military in agropom, went up to the roof and waited 30 seconds before switching to sunrise suit. no change. then switched to duty suit, which changed my faction to duty. then switched back to sunrise suit and I changed back to military.

  5. SeargeDP NA repo owner

    Have to take a closer look. The default behavior is to switch back to your "real" faction if a piece of armor can not be associated to a faction. That's just the fallback in the script to make sure it's at least consistent behavior.

  6. Edward reporter

    Ahh. Maybe the sunrise and novice suits don't have a faction assigned? If it helps. it's all variants of either suit.

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