Lang and config

Issue #3 resolved
Mateusz Ratajczak created an issue

I'd like to change lang file to pl_PL.lang . So i copied from en_US.lang and translated in my new file, then changed in config to "locale": "pl_PL", Then I restart the serwer and the language is still English also config was regenerated. I'v tried also to translate in en_EU but after restart file was regenerated.

Sorry for my english xd NO errors in console

Comments (7)

  1. Caleb Milligan repo owner

    I tried your lang file on my local server, and it worked fine. Try these steps, and report whether or not they worked:

    1. Make absolutely sure your config looks like this: lang_config.png

    2. Ensure you have the lang file in the proper location. It should be in plugins/SplatoonUltimate/lang/: lang_directory.png

    If any of that works, typing "/splatinfo rules" should produce this: lang_output.png

  2. Mateusz Ratajczak reporter

    unfortunately still don't work. I followed your steps and.. nothing, after restart the config back to default. Versions

    5.jpg 4.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

  3. Flavien Smithee

    Already doesn't work :/ I want to change the language to French... Then I restart the server and the language is still English also config was regenerated with "Missing lang element : x" messages.

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