paintable surfaces

Issue #6 resolved
Jeremy Steinshnider created an issue

I have an arena that is made of sandstone, smooth sandstone, sandstone slabs, and sandstone stairs. They don't seem to paint correctly. It just looks the texture changes a little.

Also, when you paint stairs, they change to block and you can no longer run up them. You have to jump up them.

Finally... I'm having the same issue that several others are having in that when you join a game, it puts everyone on one color team and doesn't fill the other teams.

Comments (4)

  1. Caleb Milligan repo owner

    None of those blocks are possible for paintable surfaces. Only materials which can normally be colored (wool, stained clay, stained glass) can be used.

  2. Jeremy Steinshnider reporter

    Thanks. That makes sense. I'll change my arena design.

    Still having the issue that everyone is forced to join the same team.

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