Going into the void.

Issue #30 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi Simon,

Found another problem I'm sorry to say :S Bit complicated to explain but i was editing a customers job when i accidentally hit two buttons at the same time this caused the page to jump to workshop where i now cannot find the job that was attached to the customer and i cannot search it in workshop to see if it is there, it has just disappeared, this wouldn't be a problem if it was a new job as i could type it out again but if its an old job and we have completely lost the details, dates, prices, valuation etc. The whole job is lost :S any chance this can be corrected please? Also is there any chance of being able to search product details in the workshop.



Comments (5)

  1. Simon Martin repo owner

    Requested some context, steps to reproduce and suggested that this may be related to #27, which is now resolved so might fix this issue too.

    Need more information to diagnose further

  2. Simon Martin repo owner

    Email from Alex - unable to reproduce, so seems this was a quirk, or fixed by other releases

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