Add "Complete for Customer" button to Workshop page

Issue #7 resolved
Simon Martin repo owner created an issue

Originally: "Keep Customer names linked to items when completing to a Product"

could a customer name stay linked to an item even if it becomes a product (at the moment any completed workshop item has the link to the customer broken when processed as a product and needs reconnecting)

Comments (7)

  1. Simon Martin reporter

    Possibly add the customer name to the product name directly e.g. Diamond Ring for [Customer Name] or simply display it as part of the product name as in the Workshop edit page.

  2. Simon Martin reporter
    • changed status to open

    Updating the product name is an option, but then the customer name couldn't be linked. So using AutoMapper to set the Name property would be an option, but Product doesn't have a Customer property...

  3. Simon Martin reporter

    Add a new action button to "Complete for Customer", which converts the WSI to a Product, adds it to the box and preselects the customer the item was for. This solves the problem that when completing a WSI the relationship to the customer is lost which makes it hard to identify which Product was commissioned by which Customer. It also keeps the names of Products 'unpolluted'.

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