iOS Target

Issue #13 wontfix
Former user created an issue

How much work is involved in getting this to run correctly on iOS?

I've only briefly looked over the code but it seems it may only need to identify the iOS platform in the class AssimpDefaultLibraryPath; and need a platform specific class implementation of AssimpLibraryImplementation (and provide a libassimp.a iOS compiled library)?

I've already created a local branch to make a .NET Standard 2.0 project and I don't want to spend ages on this if it's a long way off. If it's just the changes above I will probably go ahead and attempt this.

I notice on the overview people have had this working on Android - was this with modifications or just using the Linux based implementation?

Comments (1)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    The library has been updated to target .Net Standard 1.3 and the unmanaged library implementation was refactored based on another project of mine (TeximpNet).

    I was under the impression that iOS isn't a valid platform for AssimpNet because the library uses dynamic DLL loading to access the native libraries, and on iOS that is forbidden. Might be wrong, but that's what a user reported some years ago.

    The android user I think did use the Linux implementation.

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