Newer Assimp version

Issue #17 resolved
Former user created an issue

I've noticed that this uses a slightly outdated Assimp version (3.3.2) and that there is a newer one available: ( or )

If I wanted to change this repository's Assimp version, how would I go about doing so? Do I just have to switch out and build it or it the process slightly more involved?

Comments (1)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    The version # for the managed library does NOT necessarily correspond to the native one. Every major release the intention was to align with the native version, but as bug fixes/features happen, there are times the version gets out of sync with the native one.

    With that said, it was really outdated (targeting 3.1.1), recent changes now align the managed library to the latest native release, which is 4.1.0

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