Export scene freezes under some formats.

Issue #24 resolved
Lunci H created an issue

I import a scene and trying to export it as obj or 3ds or some formats, AssimpNet freezes during exporting and stuck, no error message.

But if I choose to use the Assimp Binary format, the export works fine.

I attached the model I am testing. Import works fine.

Comments (6)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    I just tested using the sample project, two workflows:


    Load using AssimpContext::ImportFile, then export scene using AssimpContext::ExportFile

    Both worked in writing out an OBJ file of your robot model, and both pretty fast (tested in Release), and I can open the OBJ file in external viewers. Can you elaborate a bit more on what your code looks like?

  2. Lunci H reporter

    I'm using my own code to construct the scene, so maybe there's some property not set correctly. I will try to figure out which property is.

    Will let you know once found the issue.

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