Import an exported obj throws vertex index out of range.

Issue #25 new
Lunci H created an issue

Not sure this is assimp issue or assimp net issue.

I import the model file from FBX, it works ok. Then export it as an obj with the imported scene (no modification). Then trying to read the exported obj file. It throws vertex index out of range.

I attached the test model. Seems like most of models are working fine. Just this one in my test model failed. Not sure why. And this problem only exists in obj format.

Comments (3)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Thank you for your report. Loading it back with Assimp fails, but is the OBJ file able to load in other applications?

  2. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Please give the new 5.0.0-beta1 nuget package a try. There may have been fixes in the obj exporter.

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