Cannot read .c4d files with version 4.1.0

Issue #31 closed
Nikola Boyadjiev created an issue

After update from v 3.3.2 to v 4.1.0 of the .NET library from Nuget, reading .c4d files doesn't work. The exception message is "No suitable reader found for the file format of file", so I guess that native assimp dll is't build with the Cinema4D importer.

I tried building v 4.1.0 of the native assimp dll with the Cinema4D exporter and using it with the v 4.1.0 of the .NET wrapper. All other files seem to work, but for .c4d files I get other exceptions with either "Attemp to read of write protected memory" or "Error importing file: C4D: failed to read document". I tried with 30 different files that worked before and none of then work now.


Comments (3)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Since you're building your own native DLL...have you tried debugging with unmanaged code enabled? Does the exceptions originate in the C4D importer, or after import when the data is marshaled to managed memory?

    I build the native DLLs with the defaults with respect to importers, I'd be curious to what the reason would be why that importer is now not enabled on by default. If it is indeed because something is broken in the importer, you'll have to follow up with them.

  2. Nikola Boyadjiev reporter

    I debugged it and found a bug in the Cinema4D importer in the native dll build from release branch for ver 4.1.0. I'll contact them for the issue.

    The initial stack trace fooled me a bit and I read one other issue here with the same error, so I submitted the issue before debugging it in depth (I should have at least included the stack trace in the issue. sorry bout that).

    Thanks a lot!

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