Duration in ticks on loading .GLB files appears incorrect.

Issue #54 new
Some Guy created an issue

First thanks for pushing out the beta 5.00 nuget its pretty great so far.

For fbx files the animation times seem to be correct and most others.

However the .GLBs seem to import some where about 10x to slow like a extra 0 is stuck on animation duration. I didn’t test this for regular gltfs since its just the two values i can’t see how it could be my code.

Here is a little output of the two values.

Anim #[0] Name:

DurationInTicks: 2000
TicksPerSecond: 24.5
DurationInTicks / TicksPerSecond: 2000 / 24.5 sec. total duration in seconds: 81.6326530612245

I have one animation that is about 90 seconds long and it ends coming out to be 900 seconds long.

Not to big of a deal i speed it up by about 10 or so it looks about right.

Comments (6)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Have you tried importing the GLB in the previous version of the library?

    Good chance this might be an issue or a regression in the glb importer, which means the bug should be filed on the native assimp's github issue tracker.

  2. Some Guy reporter

    I have not regressed the version considering that fbx files and others animate in the proper time still.

    I figured someone else might have observed this and would confirmed it.

    I will put the issue on the native assimp issue tracker as recommended.

    Does this belong here ?


    Or on the assimp .net issue tracker ?


    I found some odditys as well with the loading of the embedded textures for .glb’s i figured you should be aware.

    However i have low confidence its not my code as im just building my model loader / viewer.

  3. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    The first link is correct.

    The repo the 2nd link leads to isn't mine, the assimp owner imported it from my old Google code repo. It has diverged since I develop here on Bitbucket and they seem to accept PRs from users from time to time, which I have zero authority over. I hope to change that as it confuses users, but it hasn't happened yet.

    The embedded texture oddity is the same as was reported in that issue?

  4. Some Guy reporter

    Yes ill post it in a new issue wasn’t sure what to post so i was waiting till i could understand a little better what i was looking at.

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