Odditys reading in pbr textures.

Issue #56 new
Some Guy created an issue


Assimp Nuget 5.0 beta, win 10, C#, Ide - Vs2017, MonoGame - template Open GL Desktop cross platform.

When reading in the following .GLB binary gltf Khronos group test model (applys to others as well downloaded from sketchfab).

This glb bin file contains 2 textures and you can read its information and description at the below (link included)

Metal Rough Spheres

full list of gltf 2.0 KhronosGroup test models.


  1. Textures were not detected as prb type.
  2. More then one diffuse texture was loaded in (or was listed twice) when the .glb only contains one diffuse texture.
  3. The metal roughness texture is listed as unknown.
  4. I could not discern how to programatically detect what type of texture the unknown texture was.
  5. I could not discern what the RGBA color elements in the unknown (metal roughness) texture represented.
  6. Im unsure if the textures colors and material property's are being detected properly.
  7. There is a large amount of assimp properties that i hoped would help but seemingly are undocumented and unfortunately didn’t.
  8. Im unsure if this is a bug or my ignorance.

I have attached a screen shot in the form of a collage to somewhat quickly show what the embedded textures and output look like and how some of the values in the output connect or do not.

If you really want i can tear out most of the fluffy stuff in my incomplete loader to make it smaller zip the whole thing and you can take a look for yourself that will take a bit of time. I will happily if it will help.

I could alternatly post a ton of material texture output for everything i see for this particular example if you like.

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