Not found DLL exception. Load Assimp64.dll

Issue #6 resolved
Sergey Orlov created an issue

Not found exception at starting any code after git clonning. Solution: In method LoadAssimpLibrary(String path) change line

m_libraryHandle = NativeLoadLibrary(path);


m_libraryHandle = NativeLoadLibrary(Path.GetFullPath(path));

Comments (3)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    What platform were you running?

    Are you passing in your own path (you're responsible for it to be correct) or is this the path that uses the default path strings? If the latter...make sure the native DLLs are with the managed DLL, it should search that folder first (at least for windows).

  2. Sergey Orlov reporter

    Thank you, resolved. The problem is you must copy Assimp32.dll and Assimp64.dll to final bin folder within reference chain. By the way I would like to day Great work! And ask the place for questions. Thanks again.

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