How to retrieve UnitScaleFactor from the Scene?

Issue #64 closed
Former user created an issue

I am using 4.1.0 version As far as I know, it was added to assimp in that version But I couldn't find anything related in assimp-net. Am I missing something or this is not currently supported?

Comments (4)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    You don't see it in the imported scene's metadata? The managed API should look similar to the code snippet in that link. It's just a key value map, and I don't think we are doing anything special (just trying to read everything in there from native). Can you verify that property is in the model file to begin with?

  2. Valery Mayatsky

    I don’t see how to retrieve scene metadata. Scene have no such method. Or I should use Unmanaged namespace for that?

  3. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Ah, my bad. It’s in the 5.0 (beta) release, so that's why you’re not seeing it.

    It’s a property on the scene object.

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