Dll not support

Issue #66 new
Former user created an issue

Assimp.AssimpException: 'Error loading unmanaged library from path: repo\AssimpNet\AssimpNet.Test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\runtimes\win-x64\native\assimp.dll

it happen when I ran test "AssimpContextTestFixture.TestExportToBlob"

I think it always happen when I try to call "AssimpContext.ImportFile" function. what can I check for this or is this need to fix?

Comments (2)

  1. Nicholas Woodfield repo owner

    Does the DLL exist at that path? Did you build the AssimpNet project before the test project?

  2. Park Hue

    I think dll still there and when I try to build solution it skiped in output window.

    I tryied every build options(Net20-Debug, Netstandard20-Debug, etc…)changed but it skip always.

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