Cannot open 3MF files

Issue #92 new
Dénes Gál-Szász created an issue

I am working on a project with HelixToolkit and AssimpNet. I am struggling with the following issue for some time now so I decided to create some sample App to show the problem.
There is a simple cone model created with 3D Builder and saved as 3MF and STL.

If I load the STL it will work, but if I want to load the 3MF, it fails.

I tryed to both Helix and AssimpNet imports.

As I was digging into the issue I realized, that the AssimpNet cannot release the unmanaged pointer via the aiReleaseImport function.

This is really annoying because the Assimp Scene has been created.

Can you please try to fix this issue and release a new nuget package?

I assume, there is a similar problem with different file formats, except for STL.

Thank you in advance.

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