“HTMLBody” AND “JavaScriptCharts” => Charts not working by default

Issue #18 closed
Former user created an issue

If you use “HTMLBody” AND “JavaScriptCharts” the Charts are not working by default, because there is no Javascript onload in the HTML File, so the scripts are not loaded.

You must manually include both the Javascript commands in the HTMLBody:

HTMLBody <body onload="if(window.location.href.indexOf('usage') > -1) HTMLBody {onload_usage_page(setupUsagePageCharts);}else HTMLBody {onload_index_page(setupIndexPageCharts);}">

Can you please add this to the documentation?

thank you

Comments (6)

  1. StoneSteps repo owner

    SSW v5 will generate an error if the body tag is included in HTMLbody. I will update README to call it out explicitly.

  2. StoneSteps repo owner

    If you use “HTMLBody” AND “JavaScriptCharts” the Charts are not working by default, because there is no Javascript onload in the HTML File, so the scripts are not loaded.

    You must manually include both the Javascript commands in the HTMLBody:

    HTMLBody <body onload="if(window.location.href.indexOf('usage') > -1) HTMLBody {onload_usage_page(setupUsagePageCharts);}else HTMLBody {onload_index_page(setupIndexPageCharts);}">

    Can you please add this to the documentation?

    thank you

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