Highcharts Demo

Issue #3 closed
Former user created an issue

I tried to enable highcharts but all graph are empty... any help webalizer.conf as example?

Comments (8)

  1. StoneSteps repo owner

    Make sure that your CSS and JavaScript path points to where the HTML page can load these files from. For example, if they are on the same server as your reports, you probably would want to share them across all reports, so it would look something like this (any URL path will work - these are just examples):

    HTMLCssPath     /webalizer/src/
    HTMLJsPath      /webalizer/src/

    Then you need to enable JavaScript charts with this line:

    JavaScriptCharts    Highcharts`

    If you want a world map instead of a pie chart for the country report, add this line:

    JavaScriptChartsMap yes

    Note that this setup will pull Highcharts files from their servers. If you would rather host their source on your own servers, you can use JavaScriptChartsPath to configure the path, but you have to get the exact version that is compatible for the current release of the Stone Steps Webalizer, which is currently 4.2.x.


    Thank you! Just forgot setup html and js path in conf file...

    And is work also with Highcharts 6.0.4(latest)

  3. StoneSteps repo owner

    Great! :)

    I kept README up to date, but didn't think people used the sample config file much and a couple of months ago learned that this is not the case and started updating it, but didn't get around to add all new features yet.

  4. StoneSteps repo owner

    It is indeed. What do you know - in so many years nobody ever mentioned it! Thank you for the heads up.

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